If you're thinking about setting up a shop for your business, or moving to a different premise, have you taken a look at the retail units for let that we have on offer at Centaur Properties? We can offer shop units for rent in a retail stretch, or have you thought about renting a trade counter in an industrial unit which can offer a lot of flexibility? From the stage where you consider properties, we'd advise contemplating what sort of layout would be best for your business as this will provide a guide for what you need out of a premises.
A shop layout is one of the most important aspects to consider during the early planning stages in retail as it will have a big impact on your customers' behaviour and executed well, will lead to sales.
Here are some of the common floor plans and layouts:
Grid floor plans are commonly used in supermarkets or DIY hardware stores, where accessibility and speed are priorities. They focus on straight rows of shelving, creating an orderly customer flow in-between products and giving you more control where they will look. One downside to this is that customers may bypass some aisle altogether and will be less tempted into spontaneous purchases, but it also makes it easy to find items, creating a positive shopping experience that wins repeat customers.
Diagonal floor plans have shorter, angled aisles that create a more conversational space and are popular in larger areas. They are often employed in bookstores or casual clothes stores, and have less well defined aisles that encourage free movement. This is more suited to non-essential goods that customers will have time to browse through and explore.
If you have a small space it can be used to your advantage with the Herringbone layout which uses the wall space on either side. This creates a free area down the middle of the store, towards the till, where customers can freely browse and then make their purchase. This encourages browsing and can be beneficial if your store carries a wide variety of different goods that are not easily categorised.
The Herringbone layout can be loosely adapted into the free-flow floor plan which lets you be more creative, including aisles and display as required to give an immersive and relaxing shopping experience that encourages shoppers to look for a deal.
One of the benefits of looking at a retail counter in an industrial unit is the lower rates for larger space and the flexibility that affords. The loop grid layout takes the customer on a journey, encouraging them to slow down and look at all the different goods on offer, to enjoy shopping and feel relaxed about making spontaneous purchases. This layout is employed by IKEA to great effect, but does require extra space, making it perfect for a retail counter.
If you're looking to rent a new property for your business and would like some advice, please don't hesitate to give us a call on 0845 872 6334 or drop us an email at info@centaurproperties.co.uk.